• Map of new French RegionsBienvenue à la page de Mme Cécile - Welcome to Ms. Cecil's webpage.

    I teach all levels of French from French 1 through AP French at Piner High School in Santa Rosa, California. If you have questions please contact me via email mcecil@srcs.k12.ca.us or voicemail 707/890-3840 x51203.

    To access class information links, videos, songs, assignments, quizzes and tests, click on the name of the course title and log-in with your username and password.

Available courses

French year one is the first year of the four year French program. French year one introduces students to the French language the sounds, greetings, learning how to ask and respond to questions, numbers, alphabet and activities. This course introduces you to the world of French and the francophone (French speaking) countries and francophones (people who speak French) around the world. There are currently 175 million francophones world-wide living in 55 countries.

French year two explores the French language more deeply. Students will learn more vocabulary pertaining to everyday activities and them selves and new verb tenses; the passé composé with avoir (review) and être; the imperfect (l'imparfait) as well as more in-depth grammar structures. In addition students will review previous materials learned in French year one and building upon that knowledge.

Bonne rentrée! Welcome back to 3rd year French! Nous allons apprendre le futur, le subjunctif, et le conditionel et bien sûr beaucoup de nouveaux verbes et vocabulaire! Allez, viens!

We will be using Allez, Viens! Level 3 and Les Aventures du Petit Nicolas as our texts. In addition, we will make the language and the culture come alive through video, music, cuisine, art, and more. We will use supplemental materials such as French magazines and books, including poetry and short stories. The class will be conducted primarily in French. Have fun with French and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. If you need help expressing an idea or a question, ask “Comment dit-on…?” If you need extra help, I am available by appointment.

Bienvenue et Bonne Rentrée à la quatrième année de français!

Cette année on lira des romans comme Le Petit Prince, et aussi de la poesie des grands poètes comme Apollinaire, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, Valéry, et Verlaine. On découvrira des nouveaux coins du monde, des nouvelles expression idiomatiques et bien sûr de la nourriture française et francophone!

Amusez-vous bien!

In this course you will explore many of the tools you will need to successfully be on your own. Some of the topics to be covered are your health, finances, job search, and planning for your future. 

In this course you will explore many of the tools you will need to successfully be on your own. Some of the topics to be covered are your health, finances, job search, and planning for your future. 

Film Studies is an academic course that examines cinema through artistic and historical contexts. Beginning with the invention of film and some background of photography, we will explore the different genres (types) of film from the humble beginnings into the modern era.

 Welcome to Honors English 1!

Course Description: Honors English 1, 9th grade is an advanced academic class designed to help you meet graduation requirements and prepare you for college level courses. Our text will be Prentice Hall Literature, Gold Level in addition we will read a variety of novels throughout the year. Students will write various compositions and hone their writing skills, learn new vocabulary and and grammar structures. We will also prepare for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), the STAR test, and college entrance exams (SRJC Placement test, SAT and ACT).

 Welcome to 9th grade Academic English! Course Description: 9th grade Academic English is an academic class designed to help you meet graduation requirements and prepare you for college level courses. We will be using the Prentice Hall Literature, Gold level book as our text. We will read a variety of stories, poems and essays, write various compositions, and learn new vocabulary and grammar structures. We will also prepare for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), the STAR test, and college entrance exams (SRJC Placement test, SAT and ACT).

Discover the wonderful world of words! Welcome to 10th grade Academic English! Course Description: 10th grade Academic English is an academic class designed to help you meet graduation requirements and prepare you for college level courses. We will be using the Prentice Hall Literature, Platinum level book as our text. We will read a variety of stories, poems, plays and esays, write various compositions, and learn new vocabulary and grammar structures. We will also prepare for the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), the STAR test, and college entrance exams (SRJC Placement test, SAT and ACT).

Course categories